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English Version
Automatic Bottle Washer
Used Bottle Cleaning Machine
Beverage Production Equipment
Food Industry Sanitation
Shibuya Kogyo Machinery
Used Beverage Factory Equipment | Shibuya Kogyo Automatic Bottle Washer for Sale
Hello, this is Seokyung, redefining the value of used machinery.
Today, I'd like to introduce the Shibuya Kogyo automatic bottle washer, an essential piece of equipment for the beverage, alcohol, and food industries. This machine provides an ideal solution for any factory needing efficient use and hygienic cleaning processes.
Main Features and Technical Specifications:
High-Pressure Water Spray System: A powerful water jet that cleans both the interior and exterior of bottles, removing any contamination perfectly.
Precision Spray Nozzle Design: Each nozzle reaches every nook and cranny of the bottle, ensuring thorough cleaning.
Various Cleaning Modes: Adjustable cleaning modes from high to low speed, tailored to the contamination level.
Energy Efficiency: The latest energy-saving design reduces operating costs and minimizes environmental impact.
Ease of Maintenance: Modular design allows for easy replacement or repair of necessary parts.
Why Choose the Shibuya Kogyo Bottle Washer?
This machine offers more than just bottle cleaning. It maximizes the efficiency of your production line and ensures the quality of the final product, gaining customer trust. Particularly, the high operational efficiency and low running costs promise a high return on investment over the long term.
Considerations Before Purchase:
Equipment Size and Production Capacity: Ensure it matches the size of your factory and production goals.
Technical Support: We provide comprehensive post-sale technical support and service.
Price and Terms: Competitive pricing and flexible payment terms are available, with detailed quotes provided upon request.
This automatic bottle washer is ready to revolutionize your production process. With innovative technology and outstanding performance, it can elevate your operation's efficiency to the next level. Contact us today!
Contact Information:
Mobile : +8210 – 4786 – 0986
E-mail : sgeng2325@naver.com
Take the first step towards an efficient and hygienic production process with the Shibuya Kogyo automatic bottle washer. We look forward to your inquiries!
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